Friday, September 16, 2011

Three Chemical Compounds

     I go to the kitchen and pick up the first can I see-- pizza sauce.  I read under "ingredients" and run across Citric acid.  The correct formula for Citric acid is C6H8O7.  Turns out that it is mixed into foods and soft drinks to add a sour taste.  This would explain why I found it on the label of a pizza sauce.  It is also naturally found in many fruits and vegetables, but citrus fruits has concentrated amounts of it (such as limes, lemons, and oranges).  Citirc acid is a weak organic acid, which would explain why our mouths don't corrode after we eat an orange.  Thank goodness!
     Then from a can of black olives, I pick out the second compound: Ferrous gluconate (C12H24FeO14), an iron based compound.  The reason why they put this chemical compound in the can is so then the olives could maintain their  black color.  Ferrous gluconate is also used for treating hypochronic anemia (people who have little iron in their system).  Taking too much of this chemical compound, however, can be toxic.  An overdose can cause someone to be in a coma, but this would only be an extreme case.  Milder symptoms include dehydration, nausea, and loss of skin color.
     Last but not least, a can of veggies contains Calcium chloride (CaCl2).  This chemical compound has multiple purposes.  It is used to absorb moisture in air-tight containers, to prevent ice from forming (useful on road surfaces and car tires during extremely cold temperatures), to provide more taste for pickles (it has a salty taste), to treat hypocalcaemia (people with low blood calcium), and even to level out calcium levels in pool water.  The reason why the canned veggies contained CaCl2 is because this chemical compound serves as a "firming agent" (it helps strengthen the structure of the vegetables while in the can).  So now I know why the vegetables maintain their firm shapes when we open a veggie can.  It's a great thing that CaCl2 can do that for canned veggies, otherwise they would be old and mushy!


  1. HAHA!! Very informative, even though it was one label three chemical compounds! You went above and beyond on this blog entry. I enjoyed reading about three different compounds that are found in three different things that I come in contact with. keep up the terrific writing! :)

  2. This is very interesting I never knew what was in tomato sauce. I thought it was made up of everything that was bad for you. I had always wondered what was made olives stay the color that they ore.

  3. This sound interesting, but horrifying to think what is in our food. I don’t understand why manufactures of food have to put chemicals in our food. Do these chemicals cause problems to the human body, that's something to ponder?

  4. Thank you for your comments. For Magdziarz: We should always question if chemicals in our food (such as in cans) is harmful to human health. This is something to get into.
